Intuitive Coaching with
Amy Carruthers
Are you ready for more self connection, compassion, care and celebration?
Is it time to stop living the life you 'should' and start living the life you choose?
If the answer is YES...I see you, I've got you and I believe in you, and I'd love to be you teammate, your cheerleeder and your guide as you... Bring more YOU to life!

About Me
As an intuitive coach I bring with me over a decade's worth of experience working in the world wellness and mental health. Over the years I have coached, mentored and advocated for people of all ages in statutory services, voluntary organisations and educational institutions, seeing incredible results and transformations.
I combine both evidence based practice and intuition, to offer a unique approach which empowers you to bring your whole self to the table, and say YES to the life you choose.
"Thank you. I honestly came away from it with a happy heart. I'm so glad we crossed paths and can chat like there's no tomorrow. You truly are AMAZING at what you do "

As seen in...
Work with me
Are you feeling disconnected, drained, or disempowered within your life? Are overwhelm and confusion a regular part of your experience?
Do you often find that your needs are bottom of the priority list, or perhaps not there at all? Are you feeling lost or like you don't quite know where to start in making changes?
If the answer is YES, I understand and I'm here for you.
If you are ready to:
Create deep, powerful connection with yourself, cultivate your intuition, nourish yourself with truly meaningful self-care, see and celebrate your whole self for the unique, person that you are...
Then Let's Get Back to You lovely. It's time to bring more YOU to life!

We'll use a combination of conversation, journalling, energetic and body based practices to support gentle self enquiry, compassion and empowerment, so that you can stop living the life you think you 'should' and start living the life YOU CHOOSE.
We'll Start with:
A 90 minute initial deep dive consultation £80
Coaching sessions are £60 an hour after that
Or you can block book 6 sessions for £300.
You can work with me from anywhere in the world via Zoom, or access support in Cheltenham via the Organic Family Chiropractic's beautiful Promenade based clinic.
In addition to the above, I offer a variety of services on an ad hoc basis, as and when it aligns with myself and the needs of my clients.
To learn more about what's on offer at this time, take a look at my Instgram page.
Pay what you can
It’s really important to me that this business and my offerings are inclusive and accessible for those who really need and can benefit from them. In alignment with this, each quarter I offer at least one ‘pay what you can space’.
These spaces are open to anyone that’s ready and committed to doing the work on and for themselves. There is no ‘entry’ criteria or bench mark for financial affordability/need and I will never ask you to prove your eligibility. I trust and want to be there for you, so let’s do it our way!!
If I receive more applications than I have space for a name will be picked out of a hat, and if I can’t help on this occasion I’ll invite you to please apply again, because if I can help I will!
If you feel that working with me is the right next step on your journey, but you’re not sure how to make it happen, please, please do apply for a ‘pay what you can’ place below. It’s a quick form that just helps me understand a little more about you and where you’re at. I can’t wait to ‘meet ‘ you!!


As an Intuitive Coach I am always on the look out for tools and resources to support, empower and inspire both myself and my clients. Books are one of my favourite ways to connect with new ideas, invite in curiosity and engage in exploration.
You can now find all my most reached for reads via my Bookshop.org store front.
Disclosure: I am an affiliate of Bookshop.org, which means that any purchases you make through this page or using any associated links may earn me a small commission. Thank you for your support.
Kind Words
‘Working with Amy has quite honestly been life changing. I questioned whether ‘working’ was the most appropriate descriptor, but yes, this stuff really can be hard work. It requires effort, it’s emotional, and exhausting at times, but it’s so liberating and freeing in ways I didn’t even think possible. Amy has a rare talent that words will struggle to describe. It’s like there’s a magic lens that looks straight into your soul, which empowers her to bury far beneath the rubbish we convince ourselves to be truth and get to the root of any issue; in essence, the root of you. She has guided and supported me through a journey of discovery and acceptance and helped shift a huge weight that I was carrying, unaware. I’ve never felt more aligned with my true self and heart.'
‘Thanks so much for this! The prompting reflections were really powerful in helping me feel aligned and purposeful with my action, doing things in a way that feels right for me.’
‘Amy's contribution and perspective is invaluable, especially in a setting like mine where things can become very focused on taking action and making things happen. Prompting people to step back, reflect and give themselves permission to do things in a way that works for them is something Amy does so well!’
Alice Benham
'Just wanted to say I caught up on your call from last week...So powerful, so many nuggets I needed to hear.
Thank you so much. I love being a part of this little community.'
’Imagine your inner voice with a splash of red lipstick, a blonde bob and a contagious smile and you're starting to picture Amy. Through her guided sessions, she strikes the perfect balance of leading and listening; helping you to separate your body's needs from the mumble jumble that fogs our judgement. Ultimately driving YOU to make the decisions and actions you so desperately need to take. Even from my first session, I came away with the permission to run with my own definition of self-care, and I can't wait to throw more of my hang-ups and barriers her way for the savvy insight she wholeheartedly shares.'

Let's chat